California Exotics Junior Dildo, Veined Chubby Translucence, 8.5″
March 19, 2014 - Comment
Superior quality Product Features Discreetly shipped Note: This item cannot be returned to
Superior quality Product Features Discreetly shipped Note: This item cannot be returned to
Superior quality
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Well… We bought this several months ago, and did notice the rubber smell people talked about, but thought nothing of it. Used it, enjoyed it, etc. A little later, we got it out again, the smell was still there, and this time it burned when used. She says even to taste, it burns her tongue like a chemical or something. I tried washing it in all kinds of different soap, boiling it, nothing works. Google phthalates, I had never heard of them before, but they are a type of chemicals used to soften…
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