Butt Metal Plug 10 Speeds Magic Wand Travel Massager Toy V-ibraters Products 4 Colors English Manual Female Black EU Pl,Finger Women
Soft and comfortable.To protect your privacy,we promise to send the products in a secret condition,the packaging will be a box or a black plastic bag without any pictures and words about.Item Type:V-ibratersSize:31.5cm(L) X 5.5cm(Dia)Commodity Quality Certification:UL,CEType:WandMaterial:Siliconeually Suggestive:NoColor:White,Pink,Black,PurplePackage include:Retail boxMaterial:ABS+SiliconeSize:36cm(L) X 7cm(Dia)th of cable:1.8mPackage:As Picture Product Features Item Type:V-ibraters Size:31.5cm(L) X 5.5cm(Dia) Safe, non-poisonous and no
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